
Case Study


Handled 800+ registrants a minute with scalable end-to-end registration solution

Saved staff time by eliminating disjointed processes and multiple software platforms

Community Brands solutions help streamline complex events.

Since 1970, San Diego Comic Convention (SDCC) has held a comics and multi-genre popular arts event annually which has grown to attract well over 135,000 registered fans from all over the world.

The organization wanted a total registration solution that could be configured and scaled to meet the demands of their complex event. Community Brands was able to simplify their processes for the thousands of registrants, exhibitors, volunteers, and more.

Configio registration and volunteer management

Configio registration and volunteer management

Expo Logic Badge[On]Demand, GoExpo exhibitor management

Expo Logic Badge[On]Demand, GoExpo exhibitor management

Core-Apps mobile app

Core-Apps mobile app

Use Configio’s full-feature CRM to capture leads, assign leads to a salesperson, and monitor your opportunity pipeline easily. The sales dashboard provides an easy-to-read snapshot of your leads and helps you determine opportunities immediately. Configio’s built-in email marketing automation and workflow tools allow you to nurture leads and move them down the funnel towards closing.
Save time getting a new franchise up and running with Configio’s online learning modules and onboarding tasks. This feature provides a solution to educate franchise owners, sign contracts, collect forms, and more. You can even assign online learning modules and monitor task completion to ensure unit success.
Continue monitoring sales and overall business health of each franchise from a convenient reporting hub. This customizable dashboard can help you quickly review total sales performance across all units and drill into individual unit performance to identify trends.


San Diego Comic Convention SDCC produces Comic-Con International and is dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms, including participation in and support of public presentations, conventions, exhibits, museums, and other public outreach activities which celebrate the historic and ongoing contribution of comics to art and culture.




Registration paths






Discover an all-in-one registration and volunteer management solution.

Simplify your complex attendee registration types and conveniently manage staff positions and assignments within the Configio platform.